Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Saleen Automotive to preview their Tesla Model S based EV on April 12th

Sketches to be released on April 12th

Saleen Automotive has released some new details about their upcoming electric vehicle.
Set to be previewed by sketches on April 12th, the EV will be based on the Tesla Model S and  have a "revolutionary design all our own."
According to Saleen Automotive CEO Steve Saleen, "Some of the mystery will soon be over. For those who have wondered what we can do to a car like the Tesla, our renderings will answer many of the questions in the media."
That's a little vague but Saleen has previously said "I fully intend to produce one of the most compelling Tesla's to ever hit the roadway."
If everything goes according to plan, the first completed vehicle will be available this summer.
Source: Saleen Automotive

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