Tuesday, March 18, 2014

All-Wheel Drive or Autonomous Tesla Model S Spied Testing?

It was recently confirmed that Tesla is working on an all-wheel drive variant of the Model S. This doesn’t come as any surprise considering that next year, the Tesla Model X crossover is expected to launch meaning its drivetrain can be easily shared with the all-electric sedan.

Now, the very first all-wheel drive Tesla Model S may have just been spied testing. While it is obviously hard to confirm just from looking at such a prototype that it features all-wheel drive but the presence of large outboard sensors on all four wheels certainly indicate that a new technology is being developed by the electric automaker. Other suggestions indicate that it could even by an early Model X prototype, or more likely, a test bed for future autonomous technology from Tesla.

Whatever this prototype is showing, the future of Tesla Motors is certainly looking prosperous and an all-wheel drive Tesla Model S will certainly help sales of the car in cold regions of the United States as well as major parts of both China and Europe where Tesla forecasts the Model S will be a real sales success.

As we speak, Tesla is also working on turning its proposed gigafactory into a reality. Created to substantially lift the world’s production of lithium-ion batteries, the facility will be able to create more affordable batteries for the entry-level Tesla Model E sedan.

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